Episode 6

Published on:

16th Apr 2020

Faith in Practice (ft. Kyle Woumn)

Kyle Woumn is a Software Engineer and CTO of Shopr, an online marketplace that connects shoppers to the local apparel stores around them to get their items delivered within 2-hours. On the podcast we talk about entprenuership, putting our skills in practice, and the faith required to get started and keep going.

Show artwork for Coffee & Chai

About the Podcast

Coffee & Chai
A podcast centered around faith, culture, and our continual pursuit of happiness.
Welcome to Coffee & Chai, a podcast on faith, culture, and our continual pursuit of happiness. I am a Software Engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as a Pastor, and I've had the opportunity to meet some incredible people who are doing some cool and creative things, and are changing the world in amazing ways. From music to technology, social justice, and all things FAITH, we're talking about it!

I LOVE drinking Chai, and everyone loves Coffee...hence Coffee & Chai!

About your host

Profile picture for Robert Graham

Robert Graham

Husband | Pastor |  Software Engineer @Apple | San Francisco